goodbye september , and hello october . and coming soon HI NOVEMBER & spm ! hell man ~ i hope my october will be great one ~ i wish that i can fokus on my spm and stdy smart it for my future ~ spm spm killing me , x tauk lagi mcm na mok belajar . aisehhh . ! and kalau soal boyfrnd mmg x da masalah .. sik lamak gyk mok 1 bulan da , hehe .. i love him okay . i dont know la gney perasaan nya .. i hope that he also have same feeling like me . even mekduak msg ber "saya and kamu" it nothing that can says that we not love each other rght .. he is a man that SEMPOI , COOL & SLUMBER and that the way i love him .. kadang-kadang msg pun sekali dalam sehari that y saku sukaa gilak2 ngn nya.. and i scare to hurt him .. sik salah mun pompuan suka mengalah kan ? syukur sbb stakat ini lom ada lagi gaduh gaduh ~im sorry for those that i hurt them . ada yang kecewa sbb saya tolak cinta . #OHH MYY ! im so sorry .
barterlomew lukas i love you on my way , i cant prove my love to you but only god know that ~ dont hurt me !